Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I looked up as I was walking outside this night, and I saw a sight. The moon was full, and thin clouds were moving past it. The clouds somehow looked more tangible in the light, like a big wafting blanket set over the sky. The whole image reminded me of a sort of dome, some massive round chamber that looked infinitely big whereas I was but a point. I love such an experience. It seems that many people today are afraid of being small. The idea of being insignificant, of no special purpose can send some people into madness. Yet when I get the feeling of being a dot in a grandiose universe of unknowns, I look outwards and feel naught but awe.


Blogger sidfaiwu said...

I love that feeling as well. It's possible to simultaneously feel the fear of being small and the awe of the grandness of everything else. I refer to this complex feeling as the absurdity of existence. That's the only way I can describe the feeling, absurdity.

October 4, 2007 at 10:20 AM  

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